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Appalachian State University seminar

Jessica Hernandez

Yesterday I had the chance to share my research with an undergraduate Wildlife Biology class at Appalachian State University thanks to an invitation from Dr. Jon Davenport -- the BBQ Ecologist himself!

Whenever I have the chance to speak with undergraduates, I like to start off my research talk by highlighting all of the experiences that have played a role in helping me get to where I am now. Then, when I begin digging into the research, I think the presentation is more exciting because the students can see how my previous experiences (in life, jobs, teaching, and research) have shaped the way I think about and carry out research. If we had had more time, I would have loved to ask each student how their experiences have gotten them to where they are now, and what they would like to do as their next step. I am always curious to know about all of the diverse perspectives and individual journeys represented within an undergraduate class.



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